With more than 5,000 square miles of rainforest, Costa Rica produces roughly 2% of the world’s coffee. And yet, this tiny country ranks 15th in terms of total production, 8th for quality beans and 13th for microlot production. If that weren’t enough, this Central American nation also has a uniquely high biodiversity rate and is home to hundreds of native species of fauna.
Growing Regions
Central Valley, West Valley, Guanacaste, Tres Ríos, Turrialba, Orosi, Brunca, Tarrazú
Processing Methods
Washed, Natural, Honey Country-Specific Grading - SHB (Strictly Hard Bean, grown above 1,350 meters), GHB (Good Hard Bean - grown from 1,000–1188 meters), HB (Hard Bean), MHB (Medium Hard Bean)
Harvest Period
Common Varieties
Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, Villa Sarchi, Villa Lobos, SL-28, Gesha
Bag Size
69 kg
Typical Arrival